Donations received will be used for…
- maintaining the mountain outhouses.
- inspection and minor repairs on the mountain trails and trolley railroad.
- programs and activities related to mountain safety.
- operation for Arakawa route traffic regulations.
- fund-raising administration and other activities related to the conservation of the mountain’s environment.

If you donate at least 1,000 yen to this program, you will receive a small gift. This gift can be used as proof of the donation and you will be entitled to some services from participating business around Yakushima.
How and where to donate
– At Yodogawa Trail Entrance (淀川登山口)
You may make your donation with a staff member at the entrance.
– At Shiratani Unsuikyo (白谷雲水峡)
You may make your donation at the building at the entrance of Shiratani Unsuikyo.
– At Arakawa Trail Entrance (荒川登山口)
Donation can be made at Yakushima Tourism Association, Miyanoura and Anbo information center, and Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Village Center, when purchasing the Arakawa Mountain Bus tickets.